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Sabrina Stöckl


Investment Areas

Life Science
Industrial Tech

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Sabrina Stöckl is Principal and part of b2venture's Direct Investments Team since she began working for the firm in 2021. She collaborates with our angel investor community and fund teams on a variety of subjects, from biotech to industrial and deep tech subjects.

She got her start in investment banking, after studying business and getting her Bachelor’s degree at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management.

 “I loved the fast-paced environment of capital markets and the opportunity to have a hand in so many different industries and companies.” 

Yet a conversation with her brother pushed her to consider something different. “He’s a medical doctor and sees his contribution to society every day,” she says. “I was less sure. I thought about studying biomedical sciences, but then decided I’d have a more impact using my skills in finance to support innovative companies that were expanding the frontiers of health and quality of life.” 

“I always got goosebumps listening to founders talk about their ideas and visions for the future, and working in VC was just such a natural fit,” she says, “it allows me to get my mind around a broad range of topics. And my competitive streak comes in handy as well.”

Sabrina Stöckl

After leaving investment banking, Sabrina did a double Master’s in Management and Innovation at the HEC Paris and TU Munich, working with founders and startups at UnternehmerTUM.

“I always got goosebumps listening to founders talk about their ideas and visions for the future, and working in VC was just such a natural fit,” she says, “it allows me to get my mind around a broad range of topics. And my competitive streak comes in handy as well.”

"And I love engaging with our b2venture angel community - there are so many experienced entrepreneurs and experts I get to interact with on a daily basis. It is really inspiring."

Sabrina says her tight-knit family gave her the grit and determination to succeed. "My parents have always been my bedrock. They didn't have the opportunities that we have had, and they worked hard to support their children and their dreams."

She also cherishes the team spirit at b2venture. "There’s a level of trust and support that is just amazing,” says Sabrina. 

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